Luc Hoffmann Medal

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The Wetlands International Luc Hoffmann Medal for Wetland Science and Conservation is awarded every triennium to honour Dr Luc Hoffmann, one of the inspirational and far-sighted founders of Wetlands International.

Luc was a source of inspiration and support to those who shared his passion for wetlands. He provided opportunity and motivation to an entire generation of wetland scientists and conservationists. The award echoes Luc’s belief that effective nature conservation activities must build on good science, and recognises his own outstanding achievements.

About Luc Hoffmann (1923-2016)

Luc founded the Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat (Camargue, France) 60 years ago, where he and fellow researchers pioneered long-term population studies of waterbirds, wetlands ecology, conservation and management. He was also instrumental in conserving key wetlands throughout Europe and West Africa. Along with Sir Peter Scott, he was among the founders of WWF, serving for many years as a Director and Vice President Emeritus. He promoted numerous wetland conservation projects and policy initiatives, including the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, which came into force in 1971.

Luc truly made a difference to wetland science and conservation. He was the worthy recipient of numerous awards, authored more than sixty papers and published several books on wetlands, waterbirds and conservation. Despite the growing pressures on wetlands, Luc always remained open and optimistic, supporting the ideas of young professionals and cutting edge innovations.

The Luc Hoffmann Medal winners

From 2004 onwards the Luc Hoffmann Medal has been awarded to six remarkable personalities with outstanding achievements in the field of wetlands.